Poison Berries


Rodger Sasaki is the advisor of Poison Berries. He often keeps May and the scouts in check and helps aid them in their tasks, occasionally providing guidance and handling discipline if necessary.Being a friend of May's father and one of the first few founding members of Poison Berries, Rodger is entrusted in tending the gang's affairs while May isn't present and also manages Poison Berries' funding, including transactions.Rodger is the polar opposite of Mayella: a reserved, quiet man who prefers to treat situations with delicate care; at times strict and acts like an overbearing father, prone to being worried about a handful of things -- even if they're small.

Mayella Arkwright (or May) is the leader of Poison Berries. She operates Clubhouse Sundries and has current ownership of her grandparents' diner, The Moonlight Delicacy.May officially earned her title at the age of nineteen (19) after the sudden disappearance of her father who previously led the gang, causing former scouts to leave due to her immaturity and reckless behavior.Often described to be laidback and peppy, May indulges in life's simplest pleasures and abides by the phrase of 'making everything count'. While that can make her come across as noncommittal to her role as leader, May does care about the gang and her father's goals; willing to make any and all kinds of sacrifices if it means to get things her way.


ใ€Ž SUMMARY ใ€One of the four biggest and well-known gangs in Acidity City, Poison Berries have a specialty in anything technological and mechanical; many of their weapons and gadgets were made from scratch with the junk and parts they found in the Moon Gate or were bought from independent inventors.Despite the talent its members -- or 'scouts' -- possess and the accomplishments the gang has made in previous years, Poison Berries are typically regarded as 'eccentric' and 'absurd'; whether it be because they lack self-discipline or their current leader hasn't proven herself as a decent leader.Still, Poison Berries are revered for their moral standings and good deeds in the Moon Gate -- their flaws and criminal tendencies overlooked.
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ใ€Ž BACKGROUND ใ€What originally began as a small group of high school friends that strive to do good eventually became something more after their graduation; a gang that dealt with various of crimes like smuggling, hacking, theft, and counterfeit.'Survival of the fittest,' that was what Edward Arkwright knew in this harsh and cruel reality; growing up in the Moon Gate was no easy feat with its poor economy and the neglect they suffered from by the Earth and Sun Gates.Although a gang was not something that Edward wanted at first, he sought this as an opportunity to accommodate those far more unfortunate than himself; a safe place for the runaways, the homeless, and orphans to make a living or simply to be put under the gang's protection. Even including his expected child.And that was his goal as a leader, as an inventor, and as a father....The responsibility of the gang soon shifted onto nineteen-year-old Mayella, as Edward mysteriously disappeared; a shock to those who knew him for so long, they couldn't understand what drove him to leave the gang and his daughter behind. There were theories and speculations as to why of course, but with no concrete clues or ideas, it was left hanging in the air.May handled the gangโ€™s affairs, though didnโ€™t take this sort of responsibility seriously at first; her way of leading things and making decisions for the gang, even with the help of Rodger - their advisor, made old members leave out of disappointment and frustration.
Her confidence and pride was something to be admired, but old members could see that she was, despite being a young adult, still a rebellious and energetic teenager at heart struggling with change and grief.
Over time however, as she grew older, May took these responsibilities a little more earnestly and began to put forth her fatherโ€™s dreams and ambitions. But she also still found it important to let loose, if only for a little while.Electric Rubus, as it was called when Edward was around, had been โ€˜rebornโ€™ into what is known as Poison Berries today.During all these years prior to the sudden disappearance of Edward, Poison Berries had not stepped foot into the competition held in Acidity City. While the chance to govern the city gave opportunity to make the Moon Gate a better and safer place, Edward was hesitant due to the pressure and high stakes.Now that May has taken the lead however, Poison Berries have entered the game to fight for leadership of the city."Show me what you're made of rookie!"

All scouts come from different walks of life. Whether they decide to join to enhance their skills in machinery, because they had nowhere else to go or they seek new thrills, Poison Berries will accept them with opened arms - no matter the background, motivation or reason.Poison Berries recruits humans into their ranks, including humans with homemade prosthetics.
However, there are no such Oculae or Androids that are a part of the gang.
Note: please refer to Project Star if you're planning on joining BSF! They have fancier prosthetics โ˜บโ˜…โ˜…โ˜… ๐Ÿ‡ โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…Poison Berries believes in creativity and freedom. As such, the gang does not have a strict dress code unless it's the diner's uniform.Their main theme is retro. Specifically the 1980s, 1990s, and the 2000s to show that decades once thought to be lost is still prevalent in today's day and age.
Scouts often like to mix-and-match aesthetics and trends that were once popular in those decades, too.
To stand out from the crowd in the Moon Gate however, scouts are limited to a cool color palette with clothing and accessories. Complementary colors or even black and white can also be used as accents/contrast.Like many in the Moon Gate, lots of their clothing were upcycled or homemade, paired with an abundance of zippers, pockets, and belts.โ˜›โ˜ โ˜šScroll down for the diner's work uniforms!

Scouts who work at the diner during the daytime are required to wear uniforms. They're allowed to slightly alter the uniform - whether it is to fit their physique or appeal to their fashion tastes.
Cooks are allowed to wear any headwear (e.g.: chef's hat, bandana).
Scouts can wear any type of shoes as long as it doesn't hinder their work speed and performance nor puts their safety or others at jeopardy.Read the โ˜…Businessesโ˜… section for brief information on the diner.โ˜›โ˜ โ˜šNOTE: your character for PB does NOT have to work at the diner! The diner is just another option for a day job.

ใ€Ž MECHANIC ใ€Mechanics are trusted to maintain the machinery and weapons used in Poison Berries, and make any repairs if deemed necessary.
As they are naturally talented in this craft, mechanics also help in the warehouses owned and operated by Clubhouse Sundries - ensuring that any machinery or weaponry specially created does not go haywire.
ใ€Ž HACKER ใ€Having a good grasp of whatever computers and technology they touch, the hacker is proficient in their ability to gain access to classified information and other databases by using any sort of unique and creative tactic.ใ€Ž SCAVENGER ใ€Scavengers are resourceful and knowledgeable in the things they collect and the places they traveled to in the Moon Gate.
Scavengers are essential for observing trap placements, knowing shortcuts and making fast getaways, and knowing the value in items for trade and profit.
โ˜›โ˜ โ˜šใ€Ž WATCHMAN ใ€NPC Role | Watchmen are responsible for guarding the main building for Clubhouse Sundries and its cargo port.
As May and a couple of scouts come to the port for transactions in person during night, watchmen aren't seen during the daytime.
ใ€Ž HAWKER ใ€NPC Role | Hawkers are sellers and traders of easily transported smuggled merchandise from the cargo port, frequently traveling around the Moon Gate in search of potential buyers.Hawkers also tend to be referred to as a fence; they can buy stolen goods and later resell them for profit at pawnshops or other businesses.

The Moonlight Delicacy is one of the biggest and oldest establishments in the Moon Gate to date, as it was owned by May's grandparents about ten (10) years ago.
Thanks to its 80s theme and creative menu specials, the diner became popular among locals and tourists.
The diner is a two-storied building with a basement; the main floor being the restaurant and the top floor a lounge area where scouts would spend their time during break or after work hours. The lounge is completed with not only furniture, but a pinball machine, a pool table, and two arcade cabinets.The Moonlight Delicacy is considered to be a HQ of sorts, as the gang is gathered together at the diner for meetings and plans after it closes.It's not unheard of for scouts to work at the diner during the daytime, though May encourages them to seek out other job opportunities.-----------------------
Before Electric Rubus was formed as a legitimate gang, Clubhouse Sundries was started by Edward to help advocate for the mechanics, engineers, and inventors in the Moon Gate; the clubhouse allows them to send in their products for sale and advertises their businesses.The clubhouse is also partnered with pawnshops that sell goods (ranging from weapons to gadgets), and owns warehouses to store machinery and other electric parts including safe houses for hawkers.The main building of Clubhouse Sundries is located by a cargo port, where smuggler boats are docked and its merchandise given to hawkers and pawnshops.
But for any transactions that have to be dealt with in person, May and a few scouts go to the cargo port to meet them for conveniences sake.
During the daytime, watchmen who are a part of Poison Berries are stationed outside of the building and cargo port; watching with careful eyes to make sure that nothing from the building or cargo gets stolen by those daring enough to attempt it.